

Birthday Calendar

Draikrhyn - 11, Year 24
Draikrhys - 11, Year 24
Solnitoe - 13, Year 8
Skeittyx - 15, Year 9
Shoyreoe - 16, Year 7
Draexxus - 19, Year 24
Draicolat - 20, Year 24
Draiklinn - 20, Year 11
Drasne - 26, Year 18
Dragons_love - 28, Year 9

dragons_ - 2, Year 7
Drairren - 2, Year 19
Drageph - 27, Year 23

Draomis - 4, Year 19
Drajas - 15, Year 13
Draiconite - 28, Year 12

Dragottie - 4, Year 16
Dracaryhs - 4, Year 21
Draklorn - 4, Year 24
Drakunian - 28, Year 19

Izzibel - 3, Year 16
Draisa - 27, Year 18

Draiqh - 1, Year 11
Draiphin - 1, Year 18
Dramata - 6, Year 9
Draikirella - 10, Year 18
Draigoil - 10, Year 18
Draikisa - 10, Year 18
Dragev - 13, Year 5
Zeoti - 24, Year 4
Draizurd - 26, Year 18
Draickle - 29, Year 18

Draikyla - 1, Year 13
Drakohm - 7, Year 13
Draithly - 19, Year 18
Drashr - 23, Year 11
Draict - 24, Year 18
Draiyad - 24, Year 18

Draiera - 15, Year 18
Drazari - 19, Year 12
Draqx - 19, Year 22
Zioet - 19, Year 11

Draikatia - 15, Year 18
Draikaei - 16, Year 11
Shyraea - 17, Year 5
Draikeys - 25, Year 16
Drakagi - 26, Year 11

Rose - 7, Year ??
Draikirr - 13, Year 19
Dragax - 13, Year 19
Draityr - 14, Year 19
Draikriel - 15, Year 19
Dracorum - 17, Year 16
Draikili - 18, Year 19
Draisula - 20, Year 21
Drahgn - 20, Year 21
Dravant - 21, Year 21
Draism - 21, Year 21
Draistral - 21, Year 21
Rosemmary - 24, Year 13
Draimier - 24, Year 20
Dragox - 25, Year 14

Draikeira - 1, Year 23
Draskett - 5, Year 11
Draikomir - 9, Year 20
Draiphelia - 17, Year 23
draconiac1 - 17, Year 5
Draconiia - 20, Year 23
Rulinian - 21, Year 3
Draichelles - 24, Year 23
Draiguna - 24, Year 23
Drailipso - 24, Year 23
Draiphne - 24, Year 23
Draikytte - 24, Year 23
Draicimer - 24, Year 23
Draithyst - 24, Year 23
Draipheus - 24, Year 23
Draigil - 24, Year 23
Draikirri - 29, Year 23
Dragayn - 30, Year 23






Longest Name


















Mobile Navigation

Dragev the Darigan Grarrl

Personality | Words | will be | here soon

gender age form type cycle food magic


Air, Dark, Earth, Fire, Light, and Water
Aethia the Battle Faerie, Faerie Fyora the Faerie Queen, Jhuidah the Island Faerie, Kari the Negg Faerie, Marina the Healing Springs Faerie, Mira the Space Faerie, Naia the Fountain Faerie, Soup Faerie, Taelia the Snow Faerie, Tooth Faerie, Dark Faerie Sisters, Bree the Key Quest Faerie, Baelia the Grey Faerie, Delina the Crafting Faerie, Eithne the evil Fire Faerie, Ember the Gormbαll Faerie, Ilere the Earth Faerie, Illusen the kind Earth Faerie, Jhudora the Dark Faerie, Kaia the Shenkuu Faerie, Psellia the Air Faerie, Siyana the Light Faerie, The Darkest Faerie, The Drenched .



















  • Full Name: Vilen Igor Dragev
  • Pronounciation: drAg-Ev
  • Species: Grarrl
  • Paint: Darigan
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 13th July (Y5)
  • Paintday: unknown
  • Arrival: 20th February (Y23)


  • Petpet/p3: Darigan Ukali
  • Height: me // neo
  • Weight: me // neo
  • Life Stage:
  • Occupation:
  • HomeLand:
  • Breath:
  • Preferred Form:


  • Zodiac:
  • MBTI:
  • Enneagram:
  • Affiliation: (element)
  • Alignment:
  • Homeland:


  • Perf
  • Perf
  • Perf
  • Perf
  • Perf
  • Blechy
  • Blechy
  • Blechy
  • Blechy
  • Blechy


Nimmo Scorchio JubJub Grarrl Skeith Korbat Lenny Wocky Bruce Kiko Kau Usul Aisha Chia Eyrie Tuskaninny Flotsam Jetsam Kacheek Uni Buzz Lupe Elephante Gelert Mynci Kyrii Peophin Quiggle Shoyru Acara Zafara Blumaroo Techo Moehog Cybunny Poogle Kougra Grundo Koi Meerca Chomby Pteri Krawk Tonu Draik Ixi Yurble Ruki Bori Hissi Lutari Xweetok Ogrin Gnorbu Vandagyre

Acara Aisha Blumaroo Bori Bruce Buzz Chia Chomby Cybunny Draik Elephante Eyrie Flotsam Gelert Gnorbu Grarrl Grundo Hissi Ixi Jetsam JubJub Kacheek Kau Kiko Koi Korbat Kougra Krawk Kyrii Lenny Lupe Lutari Meerca Moehog Mynci Nimmo Ogrin Peophin Poogle Pteri Quiggle Ruki Scorchio Shoyru Skeith Techo Tonu Tuskaninny Uni Usul Vandagyre Wocky Xweetok Yurble Zafara

Altador Brightvale Darigan Citadel Faerieland Haunted Woods Jelly World Kiko Lake Krawk Island Kreludor Lost Desert Lost Isle Lutari Island Maraqua Meridell Moltara Mystery Island Neopia Central Petaria Portal City Roo Island Shenkuu Terror Mountain Tyrannia Virtupets

Aboogala Blechy Breebly Bumbluz Cooty Ditrey Dragonfly Nymph Draphly Flankin Fleaf Glack Glyme Greevix Grumblebug Itchi Jermite Jiggybug Lady Blurg Larnikin Lightmite Moach Moffit Mootix Moquot Mozito Pinchit Rainblug Scoach Scriblet Skidget Skritch Skuffler Snailien Springabee Squippit Strale Unidentified Petpetpet Veespa Vernax Wormoeba Zytch


Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Anthro Description

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Brainless bureaucratic belatedly bellowing. Bafflingly bemused backhanded beneficial brilliance.
Before bedtime, Bear became bitterly barbaric and barely bearable. Billy beamed blankly, but bellowed bicycle bizarrely. Blazing bravely, Beth brightly bore buzzing bees. Binding Becky behind bats, Brody broke bananas by Brandon. Blair, blindingly baked bacony butter basted beef. Beau's backpack bled blue briefly. Bossy Bobby broadcast brainless bogus boasts. Bouncing ball boldy, Bella bobbed being bored. Bailey's boosted brain, bucked boorish bullheaded business boosts. Bonnie burdensomely brought boundless bilingual beneficiary books. Barrel Bomber Barney buried boiled bronze bundle beneath breezey bridge.

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Brainless bureaucratic belatedly bellowing. Bafflingly bemused backhanded beneficial brilliance.
Before bedtime, Bear became bitterly barbaric and barely bearable. Billy beamed blankly, but bellowed bicycle bizarrely. Blazing bravely, Beth brightly bore buzzing bees. Binding Becky behind bats, Brody broke bananas by Brandon. Blair, blindingly baked bacony butter basted beef. Beau's backpack bled blue briefly. Bossy Bobby broadcast brainless bogus boasts. Bouncing ball boldy, Bella bobbed being bored. Bailey's boosted brain, bucked boorish bullheaded business boosts. Bonnie burdensomely brought boundless bilingual beneficiary books. Barrel Bomber Barney buried boiled bronze bundle beneath breezey bridge.

Feral Description

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Brainless bureaucratic belatedly bellowing. Bafflingly bemused backhanded beneficial brilliance.
Before bedtime, Bear became bitterly barbaric and barely bearable. Billy beamed blankly, but bellowed bicycle bizarrely. Blazing bravely, Beth brightly bore buzzing bees. Binding Becky behind bats, Brody broke bananas by Brandon. Blair, blindingly baked bacony butter basted beef. Beau's backpack bled blue briefly. Bossy Bobby broadcast brainless bogus boasts. Bouncing ball boldy, Bella bobbed being bored. Bailey's boosted brain, bucked boorish bullheaded business boosts. Bonnie burdensomely brought boundless bilingual beneficiary books. Barrel Bomber Barney buried boiled bronze bundle beneath breezey bridge.

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Brainless bureaucratic belatedly bellowing. Bafflingly bemused backhanded beneficial brilliance.
Before bedtime, Bear became bitterly barbaric and barely bearable. Billy beamed blankly, but bellowed bicycle bizarrely. Blazing bravely, Beth brightly bore buzzing bees. Binding Becky behind bats, Brody broke bananas by Brandon. Blair, blindingly baked bacony butter basted beef. Beau's backpack bled blue briefly. Bossy Bobby broadcast brainless bogus boasts. Bouncing ball boldy, Bella bobbed being bored. Bailey's boosted brain, bucked boorish bullheaded business boosts. Bonnie burdensomely brought boundless bilingual beneficiary books. Barrel Bomber Barney buried boiled bronze bundle beneath breezey bridge.











Dr. Drakuli, MD

Abominable Snowball Acko Ada Adagio Airax Alabriss Albat Albot Alkenore Altachuck Altalaphus Angelpuss Antwerph Anubis Apis Arkmite Aroota Avabot Babaa Babith Baby Blu Baby Fireball Baby Space Fungus Babyca Baraga Barbat Barlow Bartamus Bat Boy Batterfly Bazatlan Bearclops Bearog Beekadoodle Beepallite Belonthiss Bika Bikiwan Bilguss Biyako Bleamix Blibble Blobagus Blobikins Blooky Bloop Bloopy Blorbis Blorpulous Blugar Bluna Blurgah Blurtle Bogie Boween Bowla Bubblebee Bubbles Bubblisaur Buzzer Buzzler C430 Autobot Cadro Calabat Camelior Candy Vampire Candychan Caprior Captive Shadow Wraith Carma Carmariller Catamara Charnie Cheerlub Chezzoom Chiruck Chomper Chuchuana Chumablah Cirrus Clompkin Cobrall Cofferling Combobot Cougi Crabby Crabula Crocalu Crokabek Crystacat Cubett Cuttlebot Cybit Cyodrake Dal Daloop Dandan Darblat Darpinch Dartail Deaver Delfin Devilpuss Diddler Ditsy Djuti Dofrey Doglefox Donksaur Drackobunny Drackonack Dragoyle Dribblet Droolik Drugal Dua Duocorn Eelika Eizzil Epuni Erge Erisim Ettaphant Eustabee Faellie Fangy Farnswap Feepit Felf Felly Feloreena Filamen Fir Fleeper Flerper Fleurbik Flightning Bug Flipperbot Flippy Flishy Flizzardo Floobix Florta Flosset Floud Flowper Flurm Foobug Frillabon Frogarott Frogler Froiler Frowny Fungree Furwitch Gabar Gallion Gangee Ganuthor Garfir Garooda Gathow Geb Ghostkerchief Ghostkerfish Ghoti Gikerot Gio Globilol Gnar Gobbler Goldy Goople Goulblee Goy Goyalbotnik Grackle Bug Graffle Graglop Gratlik Greeble Gremble Griefer Grobrin Gruslen Gulper Gulpfir Gumblesh Gwalla Gwortz GX-4 Haseebot GX-4 Oscillabot Gypmu Harris Hasee Haseepuss Hegelob Hermiteese Hippalop Hoggir Hooklen Hoovle Hopso Hornsby Horus Huggy Huggy Bear Hydruplit Icklesaur Ignalce

Window to the South

Vilen Igor Dragev is the Commissar of the city that surrounds the castle of St. Borovansburg. He rules mostly fairly, but puts a little aside for himself.

He treats crime like a business, and business is good. Dragev’s circle, called the Boyars, shake down local businesses for protection money, profits off of merchandise that “fell of the back of a cart,” and run illegal gambling dens in the back rooms of shops throughout the city.

The council meeting has just ended and Dragev was closing up chatter and pushing everyone out the door so he could go home and drink a warm beverage by the fire in his own quarters, when out of the corner of his eye, a figure in the purple of the Darigan army caught his attention. He cut off his colleague and then slipped off into the street behind the figure, wondering if he had been spotted and recognized.

Through the merry making of the serfs and the bellowing of the merchants the two made their way down the city centre and started to head towards the gates. The Skeith paused; and realized he was being followed. Dragev cursed under his breath and popped into the nearest stall… Which happened to be a tallow merchant. He bartered with the fellow for over and hour; quite forgetting the Darigan Soldier he had been tailing. Once Dragev had made his purchase, he bundled back up and headed back towards his quarters for that long awaited drink. About to turn a corner he ran nose to nose with the soldier…

“Don’t I know you from somewhere?” the Skeith asked the wary Grarrl.

“Of course; if you’ve been following city politics at all; you’d know I am the Commissar of the St. Borovansburg Council.” Dragev blithely replied.

The Skeith grunted, and mumbled something about only being in the area as long as necessary. And shoved past Dragev, headed towards the blaring music coming from the building across the street. ‘The Mewling Babaa‘ the sign said. Dragev heaved a sigh of relief, and renewed his quest to be home in front of his hearth.

Unfortunately; the comfort planned did not play out as Dragev had hoped, as the episode played again and again in his head. “Did he believe me?” he wondered. Pacing back and forth until the moon was setting and the dawn beginning to tease the pinks into the sky. Dragev fell into his mound of furs that composed his bed and fell into a deep sleep, growling his frustrations.

Adoptables & Art


Item name goes here
Another Item Name
Oh, and Another
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Another Item Name
Oh, and Another
Last Item Here

Item name goes here
Another Item Name
Oh, and Another
Last Item Here

Item name goes here
Another Item Name
Oh, and Another
Last Item Here

Item name goes here
Another Item Name
Oh, and Another
Last Item Here

Item name goes here
Another Item Name
Oh, and Another
Last Item Here

Item name goes here
Another Item Name
Oh, and Another
Last Item Here

Item name goes here
Another Item Name
Oh, and Another
Last Item Here

Item name goes here
Another Item Name
Oh, and Another
Last Item Here

Drageph the (NC UC Faerie) Yellow Grarrl

Personality | Words | will be | here soon

gender age form type cycle food magic


Air, Dark, Earth, Fire, Light, and Water
Aethia the Battle Faerie, Faerie Fyora the Faerie Queen, Jhuidah the Island Faerie, Kari the Negg Faerie, Marina the Healing Springs Faerie, Mira the Space Faerie, Naia the Fountain Faerie, Soup Faerie, Taelia the Snow Faerie, Tooth Faerie, Dark Faerie Sisters, Bree the Key Quest Faerie, Baelia the Grey Faerie, Delina the Crafting Faerie, Eithne the evil Fire Faerie, Ember the Gormbαll Faerie, Ilere the Earth Faerie, Illusen the kind Earth Faerie, Jhudora the Dark Faerie, Kaia the Shenkuu Faerie, Psellia the Air Faerie, Siyana the Light Faerie, The Darkest Faerie, The Drenched .



















  • Full Name:
  • Pronounciation:
  • Species:
  • Paint:
  • Gender:
  • Birthday:
  • Paintday:
  • Arrival:


  • Petpet/p3:
  • Height: me // neo
  • Weight: me // neo
  • Life Stage:
  • Occupation:
  • HomeLand:
  • Breath:
  • Preferred Form:


  • Zodiac:
  • MBTI:
  • Enneagram:
  • Affiliation: (element)
  • Alignment:
  • Homeland:


  • Perf
  • Perf
  • Perf
  • Perf
  • Perf
  • Blechy
  • Blechy
  • Blechy
  • Blechy
  • Blechy


Nimmo Scorchio JubJub Grarrl Skeith Korbat Lenny Wocky Bruce Kiko Kau Usul Aisha Chia Eyrie Tuskaninny Flotsam Jetsam Kacheek Uni Buzz Lupe Elephante Gelert Mynci Kyrii Peophin Quiggle Shoyru Acara Zafara Blumaroo Techo Moehog Cybunny Poogle Kougra Grundo Koi Meerca Chomby Pteri Krawk Tonu Draik Ixi Yurble Ruki Bori Hissi Lutari Xweetok Ogrin Gnorbu Vandagyre

Acara Aisha Blumaroo Bori Bruce Buzz Chia Chomby Cybunny Draik Elephante Eyrie Flotsam Gelert Gnorbu Grarrl Grundo Hissi Ixi Jetsam JubJub Kacheek Kau Kiko Koi Korbat Kougra Krawk Kyrii Lenny Lupe Lutari Meerca Moehog Mynci Nimmo Ogrin Peophin Poogle Pteri Quiggle Ruki Scorchio Shoyru Skeith Techo Tonu Tuskaninny Uni Usul Vandagyre Wocky Xweetok Yurble Zafara

Altador Brightvale Darigan Citadel Faerieland Haunted Woods Jelly World Kiko Lake Krawk Island Kreludor Lost Desert Lost Isle Lutari Island Maraqua Meridell Moltara Mystery Island Neopia Central Petaria Portal City Roo Island Shenkuu Terror Mountain Tyrannia Virtupets

Aboogala Blechy Breebly Bumbluz Cooty Ditrey Dragonfly Nymph Draphly Flankin Fleaf Glack Glyme Greevix Grumblebug Itchi Jermite Jiggybug Lady Blurg Larnikin Lightmite Moach Moffit Mootix Moquot Mozito Pinchit Rainblug Scoach Scriblet Skidget Skritch Skuffler Snailien Springabee Squippit Strale Unidentified Petpetpet Veespa Vernax Wormoeba Zytch


Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Anthro Description

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Brainless bureaucratic belatedly bellowing. Bafflingly bemused backhanded beneficial brilliance.
Before bedtime, Bear became bitterly barbaric and barely bearable. Billy beamed blankly, but bellowed bicycle bizarrely. Blazing bravely, Beth brightly bore buzzing bees. Binding Becky behind bats, Brody broke bananas by Brandon. Blair, blindingly baked bacony butter basted beef. Beau's backpack bled blue briefly. Bossy Bobby broadcast brainless bogus boasts. Bouncing ball boldy, Bella bobbed being bored. Bailey's boosted brain, bucked boorish bullheaded business boosts. Bonnie burdensomely brought boundless bilingual beneficiary books. Barrel Bomber Barney buried boiled bronze bundle beneath breezey bridge.

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Brainless bureaucratic belatedly bellowing. Bafflingly bemused backhanded beneficial brilliance.
Before bedtime, Bear became bitterly barbaric and barely bearable. Billy beamed blankly, but bellowed bicycle bizarrely. Blazing bravely, Beth brightly bore buzzing bees. Binding Becky behind bats, Brody broke bananas by Brandon. Blair, blindingly baked bacony butter basted beef. Beau's backpack bled blue briefly. Bossy Bobby broadcast brainless bogus boasts. Bouncing ball boldy, Bella bobbed being bored. Bailey's boosted brain, bucked boorish bullheaded business boosts. Bonnie burdensomely brought boundless bilingual beneficiary books. Barrel Bomber Barney buried boiled bronze bundle beneath breezey bridge.

Feral Description

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Brainless bureaucratic belatedly bellowing. Bafflingly bemused backhanded beneficial brilliance.
Before bedtime, Bear became bitterly barbaric and barely bearable. Billy beamed blankly, but bellowed bicycle bizarrely. Blazing bravely, Beth brightly bore buzzing bees. Binding Becky behind bats, Brody broke bananas by Brandon. Blair, blindingly baked bacony butter basted beef. Beau's backpack bled blue briefly. Bossy Bobby broadcast brainless bogus boasts. Bouncing ball boldy, Bella bobbed being bored. Bailey's boosted brain, bucked boorish bullheaded business boosts. Bonnie burdensomely brought boundless bilingual beneficiary books. Barrel Bomber Barney buried boiled bronze bundle beneath breezey bridge.

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Brainless bureaucratic belatedly bellowing. Bafflingly bemused backhanded beneficial brilliance.
Before bedtime, Bear became bitterly barbaric and barely bearable. Billy beamed blankly, but bellowed bicycle bizarrely. Blazing bravely, Beth brightly bore buzzing bees. Binding Becky behind bats, Brody broke bananas by Brandon. Blair, blindingly baked bacony butter basted beef. Beau's backpack bled blue briefly. Bossy Bobby broadcast brainless bogus boasts. Bouncing ball boldy, Bella bobbed being bored. Bailey's boosted brain, bucked boorish bullheaded business boosts. Bonnie burdensomely brought boundless bilingual beneficiary books. Barrel Bomber Barney buried boiled bronze bundle beneath breezey bridge.












Abominable Snowball Acko Ada Adagio Airax Alabriss Albat Albot Alkenore Altachuck Altalaphus Angelpuss Antwerph Anubis Apis Arkmite Aroota Avabot Babaa Babith Baby Blu Baby Fireball Baby Space Fungus Babyca Baraga Barbat Barlow Bartamus Bat Boy Batterfly Bazatlan Bearclops Bearog Beekadoodle Beepallite Belonthiss Bika Bikiwan Bilguss Biyako Bleamix Blibble Blobagus Blobikins Blooky Bloop Bloopy Blorbis Blorpulous Blugar Bluna Blurgah Blurtle Bogie Boween Bowla Bubblebee Bubbles Bubblisaur Buzzer Buzzler C430 Autobot Cadro Calabat Camelior Candy Vampire Candychan Caprior Captive Shadow Wraith Carma Carmariller Catamara Charnie Cheerlub Chezzoom Chiruck Chomper Chuchuana Chumablah Cirrus Clompkin Cobrall Cofferling Combobot Cougi Crabby Crabula Crocalu Crokabek Crystacat Cubett Cuttlebot Cybit Cyodrake Dal Daloop Dandan Darblat Darpinch Dartail Deaver Delfin Devilpuss Diddler Ditsy Djuti Dofrey Doglefox Donksaur Drackobunny Drackonack Dragoyle Dribblet Droolik Drugal Dua Duocorn Eelika Eizzil Epuni Erge Erisim Ettaphant Eustabee Faellie Fangy Farnswap Feepit Felf Felly Feloreena Filamen Fir Fleeper Flerper Fleurbik Flightning Bug Flipperbot Flippy Flishy Flizzardo Floobix Florta Flosset Floud Flowper Flurm Foobug Frillabon Frogarott Frogler Froiler Frowny Fungree Furwitch Gabar Gallion Gangee Ganuthor Garfir Garooda Gathow Geb Ghostkerchief Ghostkerfish Ghoti Gikerot Gio Globilol Gnar Gobbler Goldy Goople Goulblee Goy Goyalbotnik Grackle Bug Graffle Graglop Gratlik Greeble Gremble Griefer Grobrin Gruslen Gulper Gulpfir Gumblesh Gwalla Gwortz GX-4 Haseebot GX-4 Oscillabot Gypmu Harris Hasee Haseepuss Hegelob Hermiteese Hippalop Hoggir Hooklen Hoovle Hopso Hornsby Horus Huggy Huggy Bear Hydruplit Icklesaur Ignalce Intesteen Jawshell Jinjah Jowlard Juma Kadoatie Karren Kateil Kazeriu Kelpflake Kepru Khamette Khnum Khonsu Khura Kiiyak Kimbi King Skarls Snowbunny Kookith Kora Krawk Krawkadon Krikket Leeble Lellefisk Lil Frankie Liobits Lizark Lurman Lutra Lyins Magaral Magmut Magtile Mallard Manjeer Marafin Marbluk Marlock Mastyxi Mauket Mazzew Meekins Meepit Melton Melvie Meowclops Meturf Miamouse Mibblie Millipod Mimbi Minitheus Mirgle Moink Moltenna Moltenore Momba Morkou Mortog Mummy Baby Mundo Muyang N-4 Info Retrieval Bot Naalala Naleap Narwhool Navibot Nebularis Nedler Neotrak Neucloop Nik Niptor Noak Noil Noilkeet Nuk Nupie Nuranna Octorna Ombat Ona Oop Orbulon Orp Oscillabot Ownow Palmplat Pandaphant Patamoose Pawkeet Peadackle Peedleedoo Peo Pepito Petoot Pfish Phnard Pickulsaur Pikis Pile of Snow Pile of Soot Pinceron Pinklet Pirakeet Piraket Plathydon Plumpy Pofew Polarchuck Ponka Pooka Popblew Poppit Powtry Primella Psimouse Puppyblew Pwerko Pygui Pyon Quadrapus Quadrone Quetzal Quilin Quintilc Raindorf Ramosan Rashpid Rav Raverge Razumi Reptillior Roaderie 1000 Robocrush Roburg 3T3 Rock Rollatron Romeep 3T3 Rotawheel Rotoblur 4000 Sandan Sandpoint Sauropod Scado Scamander Scarabug Schmoonie Schnelly Scout Unit Screal Screwtop Searex Seece Selket Seti Sharky Shocket Short Fuse Skelly Skindle Sklyde Skootle Bug Skree Slogmok Slorg Slorgclops Sludgy Slugawoo Slymook Smiley Snarhook Snauberack Snicklebeast Snomorg Snoogy Snorkle Snorlkin Snotbunny Snowbunny Snowickle Snuffly Soreen Spallard Spardel Sparky Spirkle Splime Splyke Spoppy Sproing Spyder Spyrabor Spyven Stahkee Staragus Stego Stopngo 400 Sunutek Surzard Sutekh Swabby Symol Taigar Tamed Mini-Monster Tanamurx Tanizard Tapira Tasu Taweret Teasqito Teek Teemyte Tekkal Tencals Tenna Tentacle Tigermouse Tomamu Tootum Tralbak Triffin Trumpadon Trunkard Tuceet Turdle Turmac Turnali Turtmid Turtum Tyrowbee Uggatrip Uggazew Ukali Ultra Mega Bot 2000 Ultra Unifox Uniocto Urchull Urgoni Vacana Vacuumatic 9000 Vaeolus Val Valteek Vullard Wadjet Wain Walein Walking Carpet Warf Weeble Weebly Weewoo Werhond Wheelie Wheelie Bot Wherfy Whinny Whoot Wibreth Woolypapith Wreathy Wuzzer Wuzzle Xampher Xepru Yackito Yoakie Yooyu Yullie Zamillion Zebba Zebie Zomutt Zoomik Zumagorn
Lorem Ipsum. Mauris dolor enim, semper et tristique non, sodales vel enim. Suspendisse eu dui condimentum augue ultricies rutrum. Vestibulum turpis felis, sollicitudin sed venenatis sit amet, commodo non dui. Etiam sed commodo nullaMauris dolor enim, semper et tristique non, sodales vel enim. Suspendisse eu dui condimentum augue ultricies rutrum. Vestibulum turpis felis, sollicitudin sed venenatis sit amet, commodo non dui.

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Brainless bureaucratic belatedly bellowing. Bafflingly bemused backhanded beneficial brilliance.

Suspendisse quis turpis vel ante dapibus pulvinar. Fusce vitae justo metus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam non diam elit. Morbi nibh sem, lobortis hendrerit egestas sed, lacinia in dui. Fusce vel dui est, non sagittis lectus. Aliquam tincidunt semper libero posuere sagittis. Nam nulla augue, egestas nec, condimentum sed arcu. Proin sed elit urna, luctus elementum eros. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer tempus ante sit amet dolor rhoncus nec luctus nunc posuere. Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Before bedtime, Bear became bitterly barbaric and barely bearable. Billy beamed blankly, but bellowed bicycle bizarrely. Blazing bravely, Beth brightly bore buzzing bees. Binding Becky behind bats, Brody broke bananas by Brandon. Blair, blindingly baked bacony butter basted beef.

Sed odio metus, ultrices non ultrices vitae, lobortis et nisl. Phasellus ullamcorper, quam id varius iaculis, turpis lectus auctor magna, sit amet sagittis ante tortor sed purus. Quisque euismod nisl ullamcorper eros eleifend vel cursus augue bibendum. Aenean dignissim convallis dignissim. Nam rutrum nisl et enim aliquam sed interdum turpis commodo. Pellentesque elit enim, dapibus id aliquam nec, sagittis rutrum leo. Quisque ornare arcu non mauris congue rhoncus. Curabitur mauris ipsum, convallis vitae ornare vel, porttitor at mi.

Beau's backpack bled blue briefly. Bossy Bobby broadcast brainless bogus boasts. Bouncing ball boldy, Bella bobbed being bored. Bailey's boosted brain, bucked boorish bullheaded business boosts. Bonnie burdensomely brought boundless bilingual beneficiary books. Barrel Bomber Barney buried boiled bronze bundle beneath breezey bridge.

Adoptables & Art


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name a dragon

Personality | Words | will be | here soon

gender age form type cycle food magic


Air, Dark, Earth, Fire, Light, and Water
Aethia the Battle Faerie, Faerie Fyora the Faerie Queen, Jhuidah the Island Faerie, Kari the Negg Faerie, Marina the Healing Springs Faerie, Mira the Space Faerie, Naia the Fountain Faerie, Soup Faerie, Taelia the Snow Faerie, Tooth Faerie, Dark Faerie Sisters, Bree the Key Quest Faerie, Baelia the Grey Faerie, Delina the Crafting Faerie, Eithne the evil Fire Faerie, Ember the Gormbαll Faerie, Ilere the Earth Faerie, Illusen the kind Earth Faerie, Jhudora the Dark Faerie, Kaia the Shenkuu Faerie, Psellia the Air Faerie, Siyana the Light Faerie, The Darkest Faerie, The Drenched .



















  • Full Name:
  • Pronounciation:
  • Species:
  • Paint:
  • Gender:
  • Birthday:
  • Paintday:
  • Arrival:


  • Petpet/p3:
  • Height: me // neo
  • Weight: me // neo
  • Life Stage:
  • Occupation:
  • HomeLand:
  • Breath:
  • Preferred Form:


  • Zodiac:
  • MBTI:
  • Enneagram:
  • Affiliation: (element)
  • Alignment:
  • Homeland:


  • Perf
  • Perf
  • Perf
  • Perf
  • Perf
  • Blechy
  • Blechy
  • Blechy
  • Blechy
  • Blechy


Nimmo Scorchio JubJub Grarrl Skeith Korbat Lenny Wocky Bruce Kiko Kau Usul Aisha Chia Eyrie Tuskaninny Flotsam Jetsam Kacheek Uni Buzz Lupe Elephante Gelert Mynci Kyrii Peophin Quiggle Shoyru Acara Zafara Blumaroo Techo Moehog Cybunny Poogle Kougra Grundo Koi Meerca Chomby Pteri Krawk Tonu Draik Ixi Yurble Ruki Bori Hissi Lutari Xweetok Ogrin Gnorbu Vandagyre

Acara Aisha Blumaroo Bori Bruce Buzz Chia Chomby Cybunny Draik Elephante Eyrie Flotsam Gelert Gnorbu Grarrl Grundo Hissi Ixi Jetsam JubJub Kacheek Kau Kiko Koi Korbat Kougra Krawk Kyrii Lenny Lupe Lutari Meerca Moehog Mynci Nimmo Ogrin Peophin Poogle Pteri Quiggle Ruki Scorchio Shoyru Skeith Techo Tonu Tuskaninny Uni Usul Vandagyre Wocky Xweetok Yurble Zafara

Altador Brightvale Darigan Citadel Faerieland Haunted Woods Jelly World Kiko Lake Krawk Island Kreludor Lost Desert Lost Isle Lutari Island Maraqua Meridell Moltara Mystery Island Neopia Central Petaria Portal City Roo Island Shenkuu Terror Mountain Tyrannia Virtupets

Aboogala Blechy Breebly Bumbluz Cooty Ditrey Dragonfly Nymph Draphly Flankin Fleaf Glack Glyme Greevix Grumblebug Itchi Jermite Jiggybug Lady Blurg Larnikin Lightmite Moach Moffit Mootix Moquot Mozito Pinchit Rainblug Scoach Scriblet Skidget Skritch Skuffler Snailien Springabee Squippit Strale Unidentified Petpetpet Veespa Vernax Wormoeba Zytch


Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Item name

Anthro Description

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Brainless bureaucratic belatedly bellowing. Bafflingly bemused backhanded beneficial brilliance.
Before bedtime, Bear became bitterly barbaric and barely bearable. Billy beamed blankly, but bellowed bicycle bizarrely. Blazing bravely, Beth brightly bore buzzing bees. Binding Becky behind bats, Brody broke bananas by Brandon. Blair, blindingly baked bacony butter basted beef. Beau's backpack bled blue briefly. Bossy Bobby broadcast brainless bogus boasts. Bouncing ball boldy, Bella bobbed being bored. Bailey's boosted brain, bucked boorish bullheaded business boosts. Bonnie burdensomely brought boundless bilingual beneficiary books. Barrel Bomber Barney buried boiled bronze bundle beneath breezey bridge.

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Brainless bureaucratic belatedly bellowing. Bafflingly bemused backhanded beneficial brilliance.
Before bedtime, Bear became bitterly barbaric and barely bearable. Billy beamed blankly, but bellowed bicycle bizarrely. Blazing bravely, Beth brightly bore buzzing bees. Binding Becky behind bats, Brody broke bananas by Brandon. Blair, blindingly baked bacony butter basted beef. Beau's backpack bled blue briefly. Bossy Bobby broadcast brainless bogus boasts. Bouncing ball boldy, Bella bobbed being bored. Bailey's boosted brain, bucked boorish bullheaded business boosts. Bonnie burdensomely brought boundless bilingual beneficiary books. Barrel Bomber Barney buried boiled bronze bundle beneath breezey bridge.

Feral Description

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Brainless bureaucratic belatedly bellowing. Bafflingly bemused backhanded beneficial brilliance.
Before bedtime, Bear became bitterly barbaric and barely bearable. Billy beamed blankly, but bellowed bicycle bizarrely. Blazing bravely, Beth brightly bore buzzing bees. Binding Becky behind bats, Brody broke bananas by Brandon. Blair, blindingly baked bacony butter basted beef. Beau's backpack bled blue briefly. Bossy Bobby broadcast brainless bogus boasts. Bouncing ball boldy, Bella bobbed being bored. Bailey's boosted brain, bucked boorish bullheaded business boosts. Bonnie burdensomely brought boundless bilingual beneficiary books. Barrel Bomber Barney buried boiled bronze bundle beneath breezey bridge.

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Brainless bureaucratic belatedly bellowing. Bafflingly bemused backhanded beneficial brilliance.
Before bedtime, Bear became bitterly barbaric and barely bearable. Billy beamed blankly, but bellowed bicycle bizarrely. Blazing bravely, Beth brightly bore buzzing bees. Binding Becky behind bats, Brody broke bananas by Brandon. Blair, blindingly baked bacony butter basted beef. Beau's backpack bled blue briefly. Bossy Bobby broadcast brainless bogus boasts. Bouncing ball boldy, Bella bobbed being bored. Bailey's boosted brain, bucked boorish bullheaded business boosts. Bonnie burdensomely brought boundless bilingual beneficiary books. Barrel Bomber Barney buried boiled bronze bundle beneath breezey bridge.












Abominable Snowball Acko Ada Adagio Airax Alabriss Albat Albot Alkenore Altachuck Altalaphus Angelpuss Antwerph Anubis Apis Arkmite Aroota Avabot Babaa Babith Baby Blu Baby Fireball Baby Space Fungus Babyca Baraga Barbat Barlow Bartamus Bat Boy Batterfly Bazatlan Bearclops Bearog Beekadoodle Beepallite Belonthiss Bika Bikiwan Bilguss Biyako Bleamix Blibble Blobagus Blobikins Blooky Bloop Bloopy Blorbis Blorpulous Blugar Bluna Blurgah Blurtle Bogie Boween Bowla Bubblebee Bubbles Bubblisaur Buzzer Buzzler C430 Autobot Cadro Calabat Camelior Candy Vampire Candychan Caprior Captive Shadow Wraith Carma Carmariller Catamara Charnie Cheerlub Chezzoom Chiruck Chomper Chuchuana Chumablah Cirrus Clompkin Cobrall Cofferling Combobot Cougi Crabby Crabula Crocalu Crokabek Crystacat Cubett Cuttlebot Cybit Cyodrake Dal Daloop Dandan Darblat Darpinch Dartail Deaver Delfin Devilpuss Diddler Ditsy Djuti Dofrey Doglefox Donksaur Drackobunny Drackonack Dragoyle Dribblet Droolik Drugal Dua Duocorn Eelika Eizzil Epuni Erge Erisim Ettaphant Eustabee Faellie Fangy Farnswap Feepit Felf Felly Feloreena Filamen Fir Fleeper Flerper Fleurbik Flightning Bug Flipperbot Flippy Flishy Flizzardo Floobix Florta Flosset Floud Flowper Flurm Foobug Frillabon Frogarott Frogler Froiler Frowny Fungree Furwitch Gabar Gallion Gangee Ganuthor Garfir Garooda Gathow Geb Ghostkerchief Ghostkerfish Ghoti Gikerot Gio Globilol Gnar Gobbler Goldy Goople Goulblee Goy Goyalbotnik Grackle Bug Graffle Graglop Gratlik Greeble Gremble Griefer Grobrin Gruslen Gulper Gulpfir Gumblesh Gwalla Gwortz GX-4 Haseebot GX-4 Oscillabot Gypmu Harris Hasee Haseepuss Hegelob Hermiteese Hippalop Hoggir Hooklen Hoovle Hopso Hornsby Horus Huggy Huggy Bear Hydruplit Icklesaur Ignalce Intesteen Jawshell Jinjah Jowlard Juma Kadoatie Karren Kateil Kazeriu Kelpflake Kepru Khamette Khnum Khonsu Khura Kiiyak Kimbi King Skarls Snowbunny Kookith Kora Krawk Krawkadon Krikket Leeble Lellefisk Lil Frankie Liobits Lizark Lurman Lutra Lyins Magaral Magmut Magtile Mallard Manjeer Marafin Marbluk Marlock Mastyxi Mauket Mazzew Meekins Meepit Melton Melvie Meowclops Meturf Miamouse Mibblie Millipod Mimbi Minitheus Mirgle Moink Moltenna Moltenore Momba Morkou Mortog Mummy Baby Mundo Muyang N-4 Info Retrieval Bot Naalala Naleap Narwhool Navibot Nebularis Nedler Neotrak Neucloop Nik Niptor Noak Noil Noilkeet Nuk Nupie Nuranna Octorna Ombat Ona Oop Orbulon Orp Oscillabot Ownow Palmplat Pandaphant Patamoose Pawkeet Peadackle Peedleedoo Peo Pepito Petoot Pfish Phnard Pickulsaur Pikis Pile of Snow Pile of Soot Pinceron Pinklet Pirakeet Piraket Plathydon Plumpy Pofew Polarchuck Ponka Pooka Popblew Poppit Powtry Primella Psimouse Puppyblew Pwerko Pygui Pyon Quadrapus Quadrone Quetzal Quilin Quintilc Raindorf Ramosan Rashpid Rav Raverge Razumi Reptillior Roaderie 1000 Robocrush Roburg 3T3 Rock Rollatron Romeep 3T3 Rotawheel Rotoblur 4000 Sandan Sandpoint Sauropod Scado Scamander Scarabug Schmoonie Schnelly Scout Unit Screal Screwtop Searex Seece Selket Seti Sharky Shocket Short Fuse Skelly Skindle Sklyde Skootle Bug Skree Slogmok Slorg Slorgclops Sludgy Slugawoo Slymook Smiley Snarhook Snauberack Snicklebeast Snomorg Snoogy Snorkle Snorlkin Snotbunny Snowbunny Snowickle Snuffly Soreen Spallard Spardel Sparky Spirkle Splime Splyke Spoppy Sproing Spyder Spyrabor Spyven Stahkee Staragus Stego Stopngo 400 Sunutek Surzard Sutekh Swabby Symol Taigar Tamed Mini-Monster Tanamurx Tanizard Tapira Tasu Taweret Teasqito Teek Teemyte Tekkal Tencals Tenna Tentacle Tigermouse Tomamu Tootum Tralbak Triffin Trumpadon Trunkard Tuceet Turdle Turmac Turnali Turtmid Turtum Tyrowbee Uggatrip Uggazew Ukali Ultra Mega Bot 2000 Ultra Unifox Uniocto Urchull Urgoni Vacana Vacuumatic 9000 Vaeolus Val Valteek Vullard Wadjet Wain Walein Walking Carpet Warf Weeble Weebly Weewoo Werhond Wheelie Wheelie Bot Wherfy Whinny Whoot Wibreth Woolypapith Wreathy Wuzzer Wuzzle Xampher Xepru Yackito Yoakie Yooyu Yullie Zamillion Zebba Zebie Zomutt Zoomik Zumagorn
Lorem Ipsum. Mauris dolor enim, semper et tristique non, sodales vel enim. Suspendisse eu dui condimentum augue ultricies rutrum. Vestibulum turpis felis, sollicitudin sed venenatis sit amet, commodo non dui. Etiam sed commodo nullaMauris dolor enim, semper et tristique non, sodales vel enim. Suspendisse eu dui condimentum augue ultricies rutrum. Vestibulum turpis felis, sollicitudin sed venenatis sit amet, commodo non dui.

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Brainless bureaucratic belatedly bellowing. Bafflingly bemused backhanded beneficial brilliance.

Suspendisse quis turpis vel ante dapibus pulvinar. Fusce vitae justo metus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam non diam elit. Morbi nibh sem, lobortis hendrerit egestas sed, lacinia in dui. Fusce vel dui est, non sagittis lectus. Aliquam tincidunt semper libero posuere sagittis. Nam nulla augue, egestas nec, condimentum sed arcu. Proin sed elit urna, luctus elementum eros. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer tempus ante sit amet dolor rhoncus nec luctus nunc posuere. Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Before bedtime, Bear became bitterly barbaric and barely bearable. Billy beamed blankly, but bellowed bicycle bizarrely. Blazing bravely, Beth brightly bore buzzing bees. Binding Becky behind bats, Brody broke bananas by Brandon. Blair, blindingly baked bacony butter basted beef.

Sed odio metus, ultrices non ultrices vitae, lobortis et nisl. Phasellus ullamcorper, quam id varius iaculis, turpis lectus auctor magna, sit amet sagittis ante tortor sed purus. Quisque euismod nisl ullamcorper eros eleifend vel cursus augue bibendum. Aenean dignissim convallis dignissim. Nam rutrum nisl et enim aliquam sed interdum turpis commodo. Pellentesque elit enim, dapibus id aliquam nec, sagittis rutrum leo. Quisque ornare arcu non mauris congue rhoncus. Curabitur mauris ipsum, convallis vitae ornare vel, porttitor at mi.

Beau's backpack bled blue briefly. Bossy Bobby broadcast brainless bogus boasts. Bouncing ball boldy, Bella bobbed being bored. Bailey's boosted brain, bucked boorish bullheaded business boosts. Bonnie burdensomely brought boundless bilingual beneficiary books. Barrel Bomber Barney buried boiled bronze bundle beneath breezey bridge.

Adoptables & Art


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Dracarhys draconiac1 Draconiia Dracorum Draexxus Dragax Dragayn Drageph
Dragev dragons_ Dragons_love Dragottie Dragox Drahgn Draiant Draichelles
Draicimer Draickle Draicolat Draiconite Draict Draiera Draigil Draigoil
Draiguna Draikaei Draikatia Draikeira Draikeys Draikili Draikirella Draikirr
Draikirri Draikisa Draiklinn Draikomir Draikrhyn Draikryhs Draikiriel Draikyla
Draikytte Drailypso Draimanta Draimier Draiphelia Draipheus Draiphin Draiphne
Draiqh Drairren Draisa Draisiree Draism Draistral Draisula Draithly
Draithyst Draityr Draiyad Draizurd Drajas Drakagi Draklorn Drakohm
Drakunian Dramata Draomis Draqx Dragayn Drashr Draskett Drasne
Dravant Drazari Plooshiy Izzibel Rosemmary Rulinian Shoyreoe Shyraea
Skeittyx Solnitoe Zeoti Zioet


Project of Rosmarnetics™

Huge thanks to Jellyneo.net for their item database, Book of Ages, and Dr Sloth image repository.
This page wouldn't be possible without the encouragement of my friends and guild.