a heart of ice
aloof | dainty | righteous | vain
I prefer to be alone in my icy cave castle, I do not usually like company. Do not come any closer, you commoner! You might contaminate me!
People never tell of ice
Or the snow that glitters nice
Or of the icy crunchy snow
Of that most people do not know
The crunch that sounds beneath your feet
As your sole and ice compete
When in the morning as you wake
You see a single white snow flake
You look out of the iced window
The look out seems so very low
Because the snow fell all night
It has left behind its sheet of white
a young snow princess

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe!
Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit.
Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit.
A Rite of Passage

Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay.
Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit.
Ice Cap Mountains
Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit.
Dread Mountain Castle
a frozen mountain with some decidedly unfriendly inhabitants...
Visitors can expect to wander through a frozen kingdom of snowy pathways carved through solid ice walls, archways, towers and tunnels, peering into vertical tunnels similar to those carved by running water in glaciers. Adventurous (foolhardy) souls can squeeze, spelunk, and crawl through narrow slot canyons and cave-like caverns on the way to the dark and dreary citadel that rests at the summit.
Reaching the castle's gates means nothing, as they will not open for the stranger, no matter how dire their peril may be, the denizens within have hearts of ice and care not of a random traveller's plight.
The trees themselves seem to pull any would be trespasser's away from the castle's path...
Fantastical Denizens
Barbegazi: A variety of dwarf or gnome, they resembles a small white-furred Blumaroo with a long beard and enormous feet. They travel in the mountains that are their home by skiing with their massive feet, or using them as snowshoes.
Frost Giant: Jötnar are a mythological race that live in Jötunheimr, one of the nine worlds of Norse cosmology. They were banished there by the Æsir who refused them entry to their world, Asgard. The Jötnar frequently interact with the Æsir, as well as the Vanir. They are usually in opposition to, or in competition with them, but also interact with them in a non-hostile manner. Some Jötnar even intermarry with the Æsir and Vanir and many are named as parents or grandparents of Æsir such as Thor and Odin.
Ijiraq: A shape shifter who kidnaps children and hides them away and abandons them. An Ijiraq can appear in any form it chooses, making it particularly deceptive. When you are hunting somewhere that Ijirait (plural) inhabit, you will see them in the corner of your eye for a fleeting moment; however, they are elusive to the direct gaze. They are sometimes helpful, sometimes fatally deceptive. The Ijirait are said to inhabit a place between two worlds; not quite inside this one, nor quite out of it.
Section Five
Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit.
Header Two
Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit. Blah blither blubbering blather blurting blabber blethe! Bleating bawl, bellowing bark, boasting bay. Blurred bland bannal boring bleary bleak barren bummer bathetic bromodic. Blank being bottom bourgeois babbit.
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