
she's lost touch with reality and only see pain

The scourge of the Neopian seas; this water draik is sneaky and vicious. She gleefully sinks ships at every opportunity and leaves no trace, as she is made of the water. Tales are told of her evilness and vile. She was once part of the The Glittering Forest and Silvery Lake, but when that was destroyed she lost her mind to her quest for revenge.

Name: Draiera
Species: Water Draik
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Breath: Phosphyre

" For as evil is a part of all things,
evil is a part of magic... and life. "


I know a mountain thrilling to the stars,
The woods echo with the stillness of a newly- fallen snow.

Soaring in silvered steeps where cloud-surfs break;
Moonlight beams glisten upon a frozen lake of deep sapphire hues.
Framing it's graciousness with the greening wood,
Icicles adorned with a reflective mirrored glow.

Neopians dream there, all safe, sweet and good.
Barren trees dressed in delicate icy lace,
and feathery flakes of silvery blue,
Within the mirror's depth, a world at rest--
white iridescent silk gowns of powdery snow billow and flow,

When Nature's self, amid such blending, seems
amid crystal ice teardrops of branch chandeliers
bright by the light of the distant white moon
To render visible our own soft dreams,
dance a minuet to winter's dancing snow.


If you can't get what you want, you end up doing something else, just to get some relief. Are you in touch with all of your darkest fantasies? Have you created a life for yourself where you can experience them? Anyone who lives in her own world is crazy.
I dare you stare out into the darkness and rage at eternity, while it stares back at you, ready to swallow you whole.

They say insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. I disagree.
To lose one's mind, first one must lose everything they know in a horrible way, and be expected to carry on.

My home is no more, the quiet, peaceful, and serene lake in the middle of the woods has vanished. Replaced by a horrible dark sticky scarred hole that will never be healed by nature. I hunt the ones that may have done this, to my home; or to others.

" She didn't belong anywhere and she never really belonged to anyone. And everyone else belonged somewhere and to someone. "

Dragons of Glimmeria

Draiqh - Faerie X Draik
The Draik that started it all, she started out as a FFQ dream, a Maraquan Draik and stayed that way for 3 years, then I spent over 8m to cross paint her with almost every color that had clothes before using the Faerie paint brush.

Rosemmary - Faerie X Krawk
Mary goes through her days with a smile, a song, and some sparkle. Since she is a tiny dragaerie, her little mind is too small to get wrapped up in worry or sadness. However, this little sprite packs quite a punch on those rare occasions it's needed, so it's not recommended to get on her bad side. She is responsible for all of the incredible floral displays. She spends her time grooming and coaxing the plants to be their very best.

Draiera - Water Draik
The scourge of the Neopian seas; this water draik is sneaky and vicious. She gleefully sinks ships at every opportunity and leaves no trace, as she is made of the water. Tales are told of her evilness and vile.
She was once part of a peaceful lake community, but when that was invaded she lost her mind to her quest for revenge.

Draikili - Golden Draik
He is a Sun Nymph, and is unable to exist outside of the sunlight. He helps keep the clouds where they are supposed to be, guides the sun, and protects Neopia from the solar flares. He makes his home in the Cloud Castle of old, and avoids staying there too long as it's empty and barren without family.

Draikyla - Eventide Draik
Born in the magical hours that are neither night nor day, this sweet Draik was granted magical abilities and charged with the protection of the realms. She is only able to materialize during the twilight hours, but acts as a guardian for all other nymphs and their homes.

Draityr - Brown Draik
His companions would describe him as primarily interested in sport such as frolicking, piping, and chasing his next crazy idea. He is a child of nature, pure, wild and fearless, but with the brutal instincts necessary to enable himeself and the forest around him to defend itself against threats, and surviving, despite modern civilization.
Known to guide lost travellers, Draityr has much knowledge of the woods and it's inhabitants and will gladly share it with any that ask.

Draiyad - Woodland Draik
She was once part of a peaceful lake community, but when that was invaded she lost her home and friends. As a result, she suffered traumatic amnesia and roams the Neopian forests seeking her identity, helping those she can with her nymph magic.

Draithly - Transparent Draik
He is a death Nymph; warped from a forest nymph and twisted in the absence of light and good; he only causes death and destruction in his wake. Daylight is one of his very few weaknesses; so he avoids it by staying in the Haunted Woods and only emerging from his lair by night.

He is the force behind the ruin of Glimmeria.


A dark cavern isolated beneath the churning waves,
filled to the brim with the deeds of a heartless knave.

Dubloons, neopoints, gold bars, jewels and more;
thins that will see see the light nevermore, nevermore.
Death and gloom linger with their stench,
light never daring to enter the dark trench.
Murky water marred with pond scum and froth
Here lies the end of good, in Murkeroth.

Phosphyre is a replacement for fire in an undersea setting, based on bioluminescence.
Water is colder than in the air and oxygen appears in a different form. Under the water, it is almost impossible for fire to survive - but only almost. The water is then likely highly pressurized, while the volumes combined heat is driven way up. When combined with the magnesium, flames erupt regardless if it's aquatic or not.

See more of rosemmary's pages?

Isolated Ice Princess
the Book Wyrm